Tuesday, January 30, 2007


in case ya hadn't heard, the rock and roll cosmos finally came back into alignment last week. Diamond Dave is back in VH with tour dates in the works and just in time for that RnR HOF induction. overhyped? yeah sure they're a little past their prime (pfff), but for those of us that missed the Diver Down tour, you can actually go to a VH show now without being tortured by "pound cake" or "how do i know when it's shite" (not that i ever considered it). what a bloody waste of time. forget that DD wears his pants around his ears and EVH is toothless porn composer (WTF?)
...ya wanna hear why this is soooo important?


Chaosbeard said...

oh but no michael anthony though. no big loss i guess, poor bastard. a co-worker of mine refers to him as the 'costanza of rock', perfect.

Chaosbeard said...
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VimFuego said...

that's classic. now he's the costanza of cabo wabo. i'm sure Wolfgang can handle the RunningWTD intro but is ready for all the backing vox.